Thursday 28 June 2012


I have always loved the written word, and I have always loved writing.  I have a passion for notebooks (well, it may be more than a passion, I think my husband would use another name for it!) I really do delight in having a notebook which is full to the brim of notes, pictures, scribbles and general day-to-day blether.  I suppose a blog is just another notebook to me, another way of setting down my thoughts and feelings.  I used to write a blog which I started about five years ago.  It was a collection of thoughts and pictures about my creative life - I was learning to knit and crochet, plus I would post pictures of my sewing, baking and floral creations and little snippets about my life.  Looking back on it, I missed a huge chunk of my life out - you could see it if you were looking carefully and you would see glimpses but it wasn't on show for all to see (this is in direct contrast to my real life!).  I never wrote directly about it, not because I was ashamed, but I suppose I had a fear that people reading it would find it (or me) over-the-top and would stop reading.  How silly of me to fear man, I know that now.

You see I have a faith.  I believe in God and His son Jesus.  This will be silly, stupid and fanciful to some, others may think I am deluded, bonkers and mad but others (and I know plenty) will agree.  To me, my Heavenly Father...Daddy God is the most awesome 'person' I will ever meet.  He is so much more to me than mere glimpses on a blog.  He is the reason I am here, and so I can't leave Him out anymore and I won't.  So...continue reading, or don't.  I really don't mind.  But know this....even if you don't believe in Him, He believes in you.